Email List Growth Overview
Growing your email list is an indication of a healthy email strategy and it’s normal for a portion of your list to become disengaged through the year. But fear not! You can reach a broader audience with every email by turning web visitors into known contacts with the help of Delivra forms.
Use of Web Forms
Web forms are an essential tool to keep an active, growing subscriber base. They serve as a launching point for some of the most key automated campaigns you will send: confirmed subscriptions, welcome emails, and onboarding emails that get subscribers invested into your brand at the start. Forms also give you, as the marketer, key information about who your subscribers are and the content they find relevant.
Forms as "Lead Magnets"
If your business has content that you share on your website, it's possible to use this content to grow your email subscriber list. Using whitepapers, industry research, or eBooks can be used as lead magnets by putting them behind a web form. Keep in mind though, this strategy should be used thoughtfully and only if the content adds value to the person completing the form. Otherwise, they will be underwhelmed and could unsubscribe fairly quickly.
Mixing Social Marketing with Email Marketing
There are often times where social media marketing and email marketing are in competition with each other, but in reality, these two can pair very well together. There are likely individuals engaging with your social media content that aren't a part of your email audience. By sharing your signup forms on social media, or even hosting your forms on a landing page, you increase your chances of having a holistic approach to connecting with those who are interested in your brand.
Designing an Effective Web Form
Through your web forms, you’re not promoting a blog or a new YouTube video at the same time. You’re simply asking someone to subscribe to your email list. And that’s it. When you have one goal in mind, there’s a specific way to strategize your layout. You can use one of Delivra's templates as a starting point and customize it to make it your own. Only ask for the information you need. If your email strategy does not include sending regional content, then maybe you don't need to ask for someone's state or ZIP code just to join your email list. The more you ask of someone to fill out to add the list, the less likely they will be to complete it. It’s imperative to keep the layout simple so that your user remains focused on your message and the action you want them to take next. You don’t want to distract your user from the goal, so maintaining a simplistic design will help your users stay on track. In summary, you should always avoid any busy compositions and make the graphic easy to digest.
Wrap Up
Web forms are one of the most valuable tools you have to grow your audience. By turning visitors into known contacts or prospects, you can grow your audience, set up automated emails that are timely for each subscriber, and update the profiles on your existing subscribers to further target your audience with content that is most relevant to them. Nailing the perfect web form will require A/B testing because no one succeeds on the first try. As you learn more about your audience and what draws them in, you’ll be able to mold each aspect of your form to cater to your prospects.