Individuals who have previously volunteered are a valuable resource when you need help. Use this automation to ask individuals to volunteer at a future event.
Entry Event
Send mail
Automation Goal
Obtain volunteer commitment for a planned event
How it works
- The first email is sent to highlight the planned event and ask the volunteers for help. Include a call-to-action for signup.
- The volunteer waits in a pause step for 10 days (or whatever time frame you decide).
- Evaluate Event Volunteer Signup Date to determine if the volunteer signed up to help. If yes, Stop.
- The second email is sent to remind the volunteer about the planned event and ask for help. Consider highlighting the benefits of volunteering.
- The volunteer waits in a pause step for 10 days (or whatever time frame you decide).
- Evaluate Event Volunteer Signup Date to determine if the volunteer signed up to help. If yes, Stop.
- The third email is sent to remind the volunteer about the planned event and appeal for help. Consider including metrics that demonstrate the need for signups.
- The volunteer waits in a Stop step
- 1 email design to start the automation
- 2 Automated API email designs
- A date-based custom field that identifies the Event Volunteer Signup Date
- Determine how you plan to send the initial email. Some options are:
- Send a regular email using a segment that targets individuals that have previously volunteered
- Use our API to send an automated email based on data from another system
Get Started
- Use this template to build the automation in your account.
- Design an Automated API email for each Send Email step.
- Update the Pause step if you want to use a different time frame between each email that is sent.
- Link the email call-to-action to a Delivra form so you can collect information from the volunteer during signup. Be sure to include Event Volunteer Signup Date as a hidden field so you know when the volunteer signed up.
Pro Tips
- Add as many Send Email and Pause steps as you want. There is no limit on the number of emails in a series.
- Always have a Pause step after each Send Email step to ensure that multiple emails are not immediately sent to your volunteers.
- Collect your volunteers in a Stop step at the end of the automation. This gives you the ability to extend the automation at a later date, if desired.
- Still need assistance? Contact our team for help.